I have a crafting/running/drinking buddy named Val who owns a great bath and body store named Loova. She also has a case of the babies and I can't wait to find out what she's having so I can start making her baby blankets! Anywho, Val has graciously donated this Chocolate Lovers Basket for this giveaway!
The basket contains chocolate scrub, soap, lip balm and a bath blaster. I have been a faithful customer of Loova for years. I love to go to her store and pick up my favorite sugar scrub at a five finger discount (I don't actually STEAL per se, she knows about it).
I'm going to make this giveaway a little more interesting. In order to win, you most comment on this post and tell me why you want to win this basket. I will pick the most creative response. No random numbers, no luck this time. If you don't win this basket, but want to buy one of your very own, you can visit Val online here.
Good luck! xoxo

I should win this because I am your mother. Without me there would be no Tiddy Ferguson and that would be a crying shame.
Here are my shameless reasons why I should be the recipient of this lovely gift basket: 1. You could send it to me via your parents when they visit, thus saving yourself valuable time, aggrevation and shipping costs. 2. I'm your Aunt and we all know that nepotism is alive and well in the US. 3. I have been doing a lot of exercise here lately and goodness knows I could use the exfoliation. 4. Did I mention that this month will mark 7 years for me being a breast cancer survivor? (That's right, I'm rolling out the big "C"). 5. I am a tireless supporter of Tiddy Ferguson!!
okay here is goes in a nutshell.
I have never won anything in my whole damn life. I have been to over 20 bridal showers, 30 baby showers, charity functions, birthday parties, black tie events, you name it and I still have never, ever, ever, not once won the stupid door/game prize. Even if it's just the ugly flower arrangement on the table. I WANT IT...
I couldn't win something even if i fixed the context. MY dumb luck...
When my dad was alive he used to say..."Girl if you don't have bad luck you wouldn't have any luck at all"
Ain't that the truth.
I do attribute most contest to luck and some skill...So as you can see I have been cursed.
I am sure some mom who has 10 kids and works full times and dedicates all her free time to feeding the hungry deserves it more than me...But does she want it more than me...that is the question...
Simple: I think the sugar scrub will be perfect for exfoliating my crotch area for the Valentine's Day bikini wax I have scheduled. My husband is your best friend....do him a favor!
Love, Momosa
I deserve to win this prize because I am old and wrinkled and in desperate need of tender loving care from something or someone that can help me restore myself to my former youth. I know you don't know me from Adam but I knew your mother back when she attended Marshall U and was a sorority sister before I escaped the clutches of Greek society and became a free loving hippie. And...I have compromising pictures of her in her underwear in the dorm our freshman year which could mysteriously end up in your hands, as well as a picture of her first attempts at make-up which have haunted me for years and which I am afraid to put on FB for fear of being banned from my only connection to the free social world. Besides she looks great and doesn't need the help so mark her off of your list.
Well, I'm a little like your friend Val; I love crafts and love drinking with buddies! I give up caffiene every year for lent . . . but if you don't eat it, it doesn't count right? I soooooo need this chocolate (non caffiene) basket. But if we disqualify family(ish) entries like mommy Judy Jetson, Aunt Shirley, sorority sister to a family member, husbands friend with a crotch issue (not even goin' there) then I should be in the running with Gina (she should've stole the ugly flower arrangement already). Pick Me, I'd "Loova" to win . . . that sounds like begging, hug - so what!
I should win this because I realize that chocolate has a variety of valuable purposes.Most people get the dreaded, repetative, freshly cut flowers from the florists for Valentine's Day, and, what do they do? They wilt. Quickly. Then trashed.Some will get jewelry and some of that may tarnish ( if the hubby buys the cheap stuff)
Well, if you're smart, you'll buy chocolate, because it never hangs around long enough to get old to the point of uselessness!
Chocolate is obviously healthy in at least a couple ways. It's better than premarital sex, therefore, no unwanted pregnancies or the diseases that make you take antibiotics! Chocolate is the ultimate satisfaction, whether being in candy form, or in the items in this totally cool basket!
Another positive health note, is that chocolate is great for skin care! I mean, come on, how many 8 year olds do you see running around with wrinkles?? They eat the stuff all the time!
Winning this basket would be like winning the golden ticket from Willie Wonka and the Loova Factory!!
Well...since I am trying to lose a few pounds, this would be perfect for me since I believe it is not edible chocolate! Also, this is the closest I will have come to any semblance of a spa day, manicure, pedicure, facial, etc. having put two boys through 33 hockey teams over the past 14 years has left little time or money for those guilty little pleasures! Send it to me please!
Dee6000 is right! What was I thinking?!? For whatever reason, I was including edible chocolate - DUH! So much for following directions.....:/
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